당신의 밝은 삶을 위한 파트너, 에이티솔루션입니다.
Founded in January, 2016, we specialize in the development and
production of laser modules for optical applications using laser diodes.
Based on our long experience in laser, we have gathered people who
have accumulated experience, technology and know-how to provide the best products and services.
에이티솔루션은 레이저모듈을 중심으로 한 광응용분야의 풍부한
경험을 바탕으로 최고의 제품과 서비스를 제공합니다.
LD/PD Module
레이저다이오드/포토다이오드 모듈
DFB/FP Laser Diode Module & Photo Diode Module
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Analog Optical Transceiver
아날로그 광송수신기
Wide band (~10GHz) Analog Optical Module
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Digital Optical Transceiver
디지털 광송수신기
155Mbps~400Gbps Optical Transceiver
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Laser Tube for MILES
마일즈 장비용 레이저모듈
Laser Tube for MILES
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Optical Component
Optical Passive device & Etc
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